Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Airtel Rolls Out 8Mbps Broadband

With the launch of its 8Mbps Broadband service, Airtel has become the first service provider in the country to offer such high speed Broadband.

Especially when existing Broadband speeds are not more than 256 KBps to 4Mbps.

With 8Mbps, Airtel Broadband customers will now be able to browse multiple windows even as they download heavy files, view streaming videos, enjoy online gaming, chat, email, and so on.

Airtel claims customers will no longer need to wait for videos to get buffered while watching streaming videos. Initially, the 8 Mbps Broadband service will be made available in Bangalore, Chennai, Pune, Kolkata, Delhi, and the NCR region, with a subsequent roll-out planned in Mumbai and Hyderabad.

Airtel is working on price points for its offering, though prices are likely to be roughly in the region of Rs 2,000 per download (7 to 8 Gbs). Besides, for customers who do not want a 24-hour 8 Mbps speed, the company is working out other tariff plans to make the service available for shorter periods of time.

source: Techtree

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